Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thing 23 - Summary

I am glad I persevered and finished all 23 things - even if it did take me longer than the original 9 weeks. I am a little sad that the interest in it has waned and nobody will be reading my posts after all of that. But I may send out my site to some friends and family and keep up the blog so they can keep up with me.
I am surprised that I ended up writing as much as I did - this is not my forte. I am really proud that I accomplished my original technology goal - using the digital camera and I didn't bore anyone with garden pictures! I just needed the extra push this gave me since I told my daughter that I had to learn
Learning all the 2.0 "things" was very interesting and I did find some that I especially liked and will use again - like bloglines and podcasts. Most just take up too much time; but at least I know what's out there. Some were fun - I even gave my avatar a new hairdo after I got my hair cut! And I'm thinking of using the sketch generator to make a gift for Christmas.
So I would definitely participate in another discovery exercise again. The 23 things website was easy to use since we could just click in and out of the different steps. I only had to ask for help a couple of times.

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